For this life
plus, all the rest
chase your destiny
to ineffable happiness
or heartbreak & despair
Each febrile fiber, an invitation
A trillion-trillion strands of passion
splicing a million-fold braid of rapture
infinitely wed by love’s now shattered loom
dashed to death upon the rocks of Good Hope
Will you be inconsolable for thirteen dozen fortnights
should I press myself to forget or appreciate each & every
wondrous second spent loving you; the rest wasted upon
regretted repartees & saccharine murmurs of nothing
May we cherish what was not what could have been
eternity skulking away with time over-borrowed
bargaining my yesterday's for your tomorrow's
Given nothing more than a good goddamn
til we reunite in the realm beyond man
Be it Atlantis, Camelot, or Timbuktu
in the loneliest of our lifetimes
& any else lived through
my heart belongs to you

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