Emotionally available only in sleep
Our souls most harmonious as we dream
Alas, I’m not him, whom she needed me to be
Don't cry for me, Argentina; you're not that naive
Heard it once to repeat back sight unseen
Does that mean I'm a robot
Or sentient, for I know that I know not
Fashioning illusory intellectual depth
Speaking in nonsensical riddles
I’ll break the trail for us
Khanabadosh of body & mind
My whole home rests upon my shoulders
Some deem me vagabond; others recognize the
Deep-seated wanderlust from innumerable lives ago
On another planet, a billion years in the future
Do you recall hitchhiking across the cosmos
In another dimension of consciousness
Time has no meaning, but here, then it's gone
In a galaxy far removed from the universe's throne
Shipped off to the distant reaches of infinity
Go now & be one with all
Dance as the Big Bang repeats itself
The celestial intercom's clarion call shall blare
Return to us & receive our merciful care
You can't reason the way into salvation
Today's lapsed a trillion times before
Vanish into the roar of forever

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