How do three words change lives?
When will beauty surrender to comfort?
Does time stand transfixed in throes of lust?
A homely soul can love as intensely as lore dictates
the most striking maiden can see her amour unrequited
Letting yourself be loved borders on foolhardy
yet loving someone is courageous
How am I supposed to love
without mustering the fortitude to love myself?
How can I reveal my flaws, shortcomings, & fears to her
when I possess no strength to conquer them?
Do I love her
or the idea of her loving me?
Is love constantly craving time with her
or delighting in every moment you pass in her company?
Can I allow for compassion to quench my soul's thirst
why bastardize it to a farce of its pure incarnation?
Love is a boon given once freed from ego
I fear I have gone & lost
love that never was

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